Archive for March 18th, 2009

Vintage paper sample

March 18, 2009


Three Potato Four is a great online shop that has a really cool, very well curated mix of design-y and vintage products. On their blog, I ran across this fantastic paper sample from 1966. I love the use of color and am pretty much always a fan of wood type.

Science is pretty.

March 18, 2009


Since I feel like there is never enough fuss made over the crazy discoveries that happen in the world each day, I’d like to share a pretty one. Here is a shot of a newly discovered, luminous, non-stinging rainbow jellyfish found near Tasmania. While it may not seem particularly significant or exciting at first, it proves that science can be beautiful.

Photograph courtesy Martin George/QVMAG


March 18, 2009


Maybe I’m going through a weird reclaiming-my-youth phase, but I’m kind of obsessed with Momiji Dolls. The adorable hand-painted dolls are a modern interpretaion of Japanese Kokeshi dolls, and have a slot in the bottom so you can pass notes to your friends. Each doll comes with a list of likes — Clever Clogs (on the left) likes boys who wear glasses.

almost springtime!

March 18, 2009


Counting down the days to start smelling the flowers again (wow, I need to work on my comments…they are getting a bit dorky!).