We’ve Moved!

June 11, 2009 by

We’ve moved The Experts Agree!

You’ll find us at http://theexpertsagree.com


What we’re buying…

June 10, 2009 by

We thought it might be nice on occasion to let you in on a few of the our recent etsy purchases that haven’t yet been featured in our weekly Etsy Schmetsy round ups. We wouldn’t want anyone having the misconception that only sell on and post about etsy — we are also frequent etsy shoppers. This week’s purchases are all made by Samantha and Jessica (tiniestj); it appears that Owen and Kirsten have been exhibiting a bit more budgetary control.



lampswhoopie pies

Read on for credits and comments.

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anthropologie + hatch show print

June 10, 2009 by

The June Anthropologie catalog is stunning! The beautiful use of type and colors are absolutely wonderful. The creative team at Athropologie collaborated with Hatch Show Print to create the amazing piece. Check it out!




Lovely, lovely lace, lace, lace.

June 10, 2009 by

As some of you may know, I love lace. I am so intrigued by the femininity and intricacy of the patterns: so delicate, yet structural. Here are some delightful lace and lace-inspired finds from Etsy that I’m loving at the moment.





Row 1: Recycled Canvas and Lace Tote Bag by Forest Bound; Abelina Lace Necklace by Fox & Clover; Antique Linen and Lace Sachet by Tuttie Lou

Row 2: Laced Ring by All Those 3hrees; Greer Necklace by tree & kimball; Soft French Lace Bag by tortilla girl

Row 3: Saffron Headband by teeny house bunny; Spool of Lace by The $5 French Market; Lace Ring No. 1 by Masami Kelly

Row 4: Carved Lace Vase by Mad Hatter Ceramics; Trompe L’oeil Lace Embellished Canvas Bag by Show Pony; Leila Clutch by Percy Handmade

Antiques by the Bay

June 8, 2009 by



If you are able to be in the Bay Area on the first Sunday of the month, I definitely recommend checking out Antiques by the Bay, the Alameda flea market. There is a ton of furniture, clothing and, as evidenced by my photos, lots of collections.

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custom cake toppers

June 8, 2009 by

I have a number of friends who are planning weddings right now, that, in addition to the fact that we design wedding invitations,  makes me spend quite a bit of time thinking about weddings. There are endless ways to infuse your personality into your wedding, but one very simple place to do it is with some great cake toppers. These three designers offer some awesome customization options so you can get cake toppers that are exactly what you are looking for.

tophatdetailveil detailhalloween detail

with archorangewith dog

The Small Object makes fantastic crafty custom toppers. She even has a cupcake version available. To view the huge variety of toppers that The Small Object custom made, click here.

e_wed_cake_topChris Collicott_wedding_figures_lg

My sister gave us these molded resin cake toppers, designed by Chris Collicott, to use at our wedding. They are sold individually so you can mix and match gender and color. They are a great option for people who are looking for a very clean, modern design. Available at Zipper Gifts.


These adorable merino wool cake toppers are from Yu Yu Art. Though I initially thought they were tiny, they are about 8-inches tall. I love the vintage-ish feel that these have. You can see a ton more of these fabulous toppers here.

Font-y Friday: Tuscans

June 6, 2009 by


Did you like the giant S from French Vogue Kirsten pointed out a few weeks ago? Us too!

This style of type is called Tuscan and it originated well before printing. Tuscans can be identified by bifurcation of the terminals — some have speculated that the bifurcation in the earliest examples may have been a typographic equivalent of the sign of the fish, an attempt to signify Christian faith in the letters themselves. Tuscans really hit their stride in the 19th century, during the age of handbills (each trying to outdo one another in typographic excess). This is when the form started mutating like crazy: the ends trifurcated, bulges or spikes erupted mid-stem, letters split into two, swashes and flourishes sprouted out.

Tuscans can be extended or condensed, rigid or expressive: some of the newer digital ones are hand-rendered. So versatile a type style, it’s a shame it’s rarely used contemporarily outside of circus- or western- themed work.

Credits & analysis, after the jump. Read the rest of this entry »

it was twenty years ago today

June 5, 2009 by

Sorry to bring up a bummer, but China is doing all it can to make sure you forget this image. But, it’s pretty important that we remember the things totalitarian states want us to forget. One awesome thing about the internets is that they’ve moved us past the era when technology helped a totalitarian state achieve absolute control over the distribution of information (as it was for much of the twentieth century) to an era when technology actively helps resist totalitarianism.


The NYT Lens blog has a good expurgation and analysis of this and three other photographers’ images of Tiananmen Square, including how the photographers smuggled the film out of a country already deadset on erasing the memory of the event.

jon klassen

June 3, 2009 by




One of my new favorite artists, Jon Klassen. I LOVE his use of color, content (lots of nature), and texture.

Into the woods

June 3, 2009 by






Row 1: Green felt Bambi from Enna Design Shop; “Owl on book” print from e.soule

Row 2: Rabbit Puppet Shadow tee from Flytrap Studios; Wearable Mini Feltidermy from girl savage

Row 3: “Animal Crime” Custom Large Messenger Bag from skirt; Sterling Silver Buckhorns necklace from Skylark Studio

Row 4: Super cute amigurumi pattern from Owlishly; “Happy Ending” embroidered art from Mary’s Granddaughter

Row 5: Sterling Silver Squirrel pendant from 15 Clove Jewelry; Adorable raccoon boot protectors from Peek-a-Boot

Fun with Crayons

June 3, 2009 by


Here is a great collection of the evolution of Crayola’s packaging from the dieline. I love the vintage boxes. Below is a limited edition set of reproductions of some of the older boxes. I wasn’t able to find all three, but I did find these and these.


transit map abstraction

June 3, 2009 by


Tokyo Rail Map Poster and Calendar, zero per zero, 2008. Click for larger version.

I got really excited about this map of Tokyo’s complex rail system by Korean designers zero per zero today. It establishes a new abstraction vocabulary (arcs) for railway maps, which since Harry Beck’s 1933 Tube map (more on which below) have tended to use variations on his circuit-boardy angle system. And it uses chocolate brown, which I hope against hope will never go out of style again. And it has an underlying 12×31 grid and comes packaged with post-it notes sized to the grid squares: that’s right; you can use the thing as a calendar! It’s available straight from Korea hereSan Francisco friends give me a shout if you want something, we’ll combine shipping! along with smaller folding versions with great info backs. And New York, Osaka and Seoul editions.


A little discussion of some more great rail maps featuring Messrs Beck, Vignelli, Hertz, Jabbour and Good Magazine after the jump.

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Evelin Kasikov

June 1, 2009 by


I first became aware of Evelin Kasikov last week when some of her work was featured on Black Eiffel. I was completely blown away and contacted her immediately to see if she was interested in being the first of our mini-interviews with artists, designers and crafters. Evelin graciously accepted. After reading her responses to our questions, I think I might love her work even more. I definitely recommend spending some time looking at her site and exploring some of the other pages of her beautiful books.





Read the complete Q & A and see more work, after the jump.

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Font-y Friday: Wayne White

May 29, 2009 by


Todd Oldham has a book coming out in a few days, entitled Maybe Now I’ll Get the Respect I So Richly Deserve. It’s not about himself; he’s got respect aplenty after all. It’s about Wayne White, and honestly it’s a hilariously appropriate title for the first comprehensive monograph of an artist who’s been making awesome and original art for 30 years.

Beauty’s Embarrassin!

What’d I Tell Ya?

His M.O. for the last decade has been basically painting giant, usually funny typography “realistically” into mass-produced “kitsch” landscape paintings — that is to say, using their perspective and lighting and often reflections and gravity too. This, years before things like Panic Room‘s opening titles made a trend of floating type in physical perspective, or for that matter before indie artists made upcycling/overpainting found art cool.

Oh, and he used to do sets for Pee Wee’s Playhouse, and directed Peter Gabriel’s video for “Big Time” — possibly the best video ever. Several more paintings [PG-13 for language], and the Big Time video (because we both know it’s been too long) after the jump.

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So Awkward

May 28, 2009 by

We don’t generally post things like this, but I just came across this amazing blog. Jessica and I could hardly breathe we were laughing so hard at some of these. At one point I literally almost fell out of my chair and was covered in mascara from crying. Check it out if you need a laugh.

Here are two of our many favorites.



The ties that bind

May 27, 2009 by

So, father’s day is coming up and you can’t figure out what to give the guy who has everything? There’s always the safe bet of a tie. (Actually, the hipster ties we’ve rounded up here are probably more suited for your beaux, or yourself, than your dad.)






Credits and lots of commentary after the jump.

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Twitter on Paper

May 27, 2009 by

twitter on paper header

“Putting Tweets On Paper Since May 26, 2009.”

Generally I am a pretty early adopter of technology, but I am still totally behind on the twitter phenomenon. I finally set up an account a week or two ago, and have yet to post any updates (and probably never will). Basically I have stuck my head in the sand when it comes to Twitter — until now.

Twitter on Paper is a hysterical new project from Sam Potts, where you submit a request for a tweet on paper and he will mail it to you. I definitely recommend checking out the about page, which ends with this question:

Why would anyone want a tweet on a piece of paper?
I have no idea.

I too am unsure why someone would want a tweet on paper, and yet, I sort of do.

chicken salad

and kissing tweet

via Swiss Miss

Portland TONIGHT: DDC at Office PCX

May 27, 2009 by


In case any of our readership is in Portland, we’re so jealous that you get a chance to see the solo show of DDC/Aaron Draplin. Not just an art show but “Portland’s greatest selection of cool office supplies.”

6-8pm at Office. Read all about it.


Draplin’s aesthetic — which you might recognize from Field Notes, the new Recovery.gov logo*, or his lovely hair organizer — is a mix of working-class Americana and 50s – 70s modern graphics, with occasionally an amazing burst of maximalist minimalism. I am so down to get one of the “career spanning” posters for the show (which features pretty much every project DDC has done since its inception and has today’s date in the title) when they go on sale next week (click for gianter version).


We are lucky enough to own an earlier iteration of this sort of thing that Draplin did for the Wurst Gallery’s We Heart Gocco show in 2006. It’s all sorts of design-geeky (8: Pantone 123, 42: Futura Bold, 45: CMYK misregistration) and a great introduction to this singular designer.



*It’s unclear how much of the recovery.gov and TIGER logos was done by Draplin, how much by Mode and how much by Chris Glass but he has both on his poster. In related news, have you seen Chris Glass’ He-Man and the Masters of Univers shirt concept? Can you believe that these are the guys making our federal logos these days? Our new president is so rad.


oslo national academy of the arts

May 26, 2009 by





It’s always interesting seeing what design students are working on these days. Pretty nice colors and textures found on Under Construction.

Cardon Copy

May 25, 2009 by



Cardon Copy is a pretty awesome project from designer Cardon Webb in which he redesigned found fliers and tear-offs and then replaced the originals with his redesigned posters. Conceptually I think it is a pretty neat project, but I also like that each poster was designed in a distinct style.

More posters after the jump.

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